Wednesday 10 April 2013

Kahama Hospital - Amani Clinic & Chicken Co-op /2013

In the Sept. 4th 2012 blog I spoke of how we met with the Amani nurses Philomena and Flora and set in motion a plan to fund a poultry cooperative for the clinic's most vulnerable families. An initial group would be selected from women- headed households.  At that time we donated $200, and on this trip we have donated a further $1,100.

Philomena has retired and Anna has taken over. Thank you Philomena for your helping us to set up a workable program. We so admire your total dedication to the children and your role in the Amani Clinic & Clubhouse!

A cooperative of 15 women has been formed, with the help of a member of the community who has experience in setting up poultry cooperatives. The women will have on site training and will in the future, pass on their skills to a second cooperative.


Kahama Hospital nurse Anna, Brenda and Chicken Co-op participants.
As well as being able to support their children, these women will be learning and sharing entrepreneurial and marketing skills.

The new chicken enclosure will be similar to this one in Kahama.
As usual, we held a celebration day with the Amani children and their families/caregivers, and delivered donated gifts and resources for the clinic and the families. We have a Friends of Amani Group here in Summerland who keep in contact with the children and also donate resources. This party was larger than usual as many of the doctors, medical officers and staff also attended the formal presentation of  $1,100 for the Amani Chicken Cooperative as well as a further $1,000 for the new Muvuma orphanage!  We usually provide snacks for the children, but the importance of the occasion called for a full meal for everyone!

 The chicken co-op ladies prepare and cook for around 200 people.
An interesting half-day of shopping for Brenda and the team at the local markets!
Anna and LeAnne help keep the children entertained!

 Brenda, One Person President and co-founder with two of the chicken co-op members
who are holding thank you messages for everyone who has donated towards
the formation of the first cooperative.
To make a donation send a cheque to The One Person Project, 10108 Julia Street, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z5, donate on-line or email me.

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