Tuesday 10 June 2014

Why is it important to support sports in schools?


Here at One Person we agree with article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which states that play and sports are a child’s right.  We believe in the concept of sport for development – that sport is not just an end in itself, but also an effective tool to help improve the lives of children, families and communities.

Participating in sports allows young men to have a sense of pride and something to strive towards and for girls it additionally allows them to have status and opportunities they do not usually receive. Even the presence of one soccer ball can increase school attendance, which is doubly important as most schools have HIV Prevention Programs.

Some schools do allow girls to take part in soccer but in Tanzania the girls primarily play netball, and One Person ensures that half of the uniforms are given to netball teams.

And of course - everyone is entitled to some fun!

For more information, to volunteer or to make a donation contact me , mail to The One Person Project, 10108 Julia Street, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z5  donate on-line or make a payment into our account at the Summerland Credit Union (Summerland, British Columbia).  

               Strengthen one person - strengthen the family - strengthen the community.

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